Sunday, July 26, 2009


"One's first step in wisdom is to question everything - and one's last is to come to terms with everything."

"You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough."

Both of these quotes fully express a lot of how many females may feel and how they been choosing to live their lives at one point of their life. I tend to realize that I question A LOT of what goes on in my personal and public life. Trying to figure out the 5 W's and ways to answer those questions that arise. It's not easy living an honest life and THAT I've come to terms with. Most importantly it's not easy living an honest life to YOURSELF. As human beings and as individuals we constantly try to make excuses for ourselves and the people we choose to surround ourselves with.

I choose to live my life with honesty, the only problem is I question whether I'm being honest to myself?? Directions that my personal life is going in questions whether or not i should even still be where I am at. I've trusted too much and been deceived and I'm now not trusting enough and exactly as the quote states I'm living in torment. Not allowing myself to be free from all the negatives a sour relationship can bring. Being a woman is a difficult task, you have "set requirements" so to speak to be strong, stay strong and live your life that way. Spend so much time in life dealing with everything that gets thrown at you because we sometimes feel like we can fix everything. Men tend to just push it behind them and cancel it out fast and easy. Question is when do you as a woman know when to put the brakes on a situation that never seems to progress?? How can you give your all for someone or something and feel like you're never receiving?? and most important how can you possibly be with someone and feel like you're alone? For that be single!

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